The Blast and the Mist (Fog)
Posted: 02 September 2015
Categories: The sermon This sermon is "What is the Attraction on the Mountain " It more or less summarises the order of the Angelic visitation, went up from where they appeared to him, into the western mountains, Prescott and then Alaska. This attraction on the mountain refers 1) To receiving the Sword in January (more like Jan 23rd but not very sure) 1963 2) The commission of the seven Angels and 3) The whirlwind and throwing up the rock in the air, where more than 15 ministers were present: Judgement striking the West Coast., the Alaskan Earthquake. Our human mind cannot accept this simple narration, but the believing heart will accept it as 100% truth. To make it more readable, I will let this text runs without the title breaks.
125 I went in and got my book, looked into it, and it said, "It shall come to pass..." Eight years later! 128 Brother Fred Sothmann, sitting there looking at me right now, was there that morning. I had forgot about it. 130 I went West, wondering what was going to happen. One day I got a call from the Lord. I told my wife, I said, "Honey, I'm... probably my work is over." I didn't know. I said, "I... God, God is probably finished with me now and I'll be going Home. You go get with Billy, take the children. God will make a way for you, somehow. Go on and live true to God. See that the children get through school, raise them in the admonition of God." 132 I went up in the canyon, climbed plumb up where the eagles was flying around. I was watching some deer standing there. I knelt down to pray, and raised up my hands, and a Sword struck my hand. I looked around. I thought, "What's that? I'm not beside myself. Here is that Sword in my hand; bright, shiny, glistening in the sun." I said, "Now, there's not people in miles of me, way up here in this canyon. Where could that come from?" 135 Then we went back, I went up in the mountain to hunt. There, Brother Fred and I, one morning when I walked out, and I--I had already got my javelina, and I looked and seen the place where they went. I said, "Brother Fred, go over on that mountain early in the morning now, about the break of day, and I'll get on the other one. I won't shoot at the hog, won't kill him. But if they start over this way, that herd, I'll shoot in front of them then run them back." 136 Brother Fred went out there and there was no hogs. He waved at me and I seen. I went down in a canyon, some big chasms, the sun was just coming up. I come around the other side of the hill, not thinking nothing about the prophecies. Set down, waiting, resting; I thought, "What happened to those hogs?" 139 I met Brother Fred and them, a little after. Said, "What was it?" 142 And the other day, standing there, turned the picture to the right, and there is Jesus as He was in the Seven Church Ages, the white wig on, showing Supreme Deity. He's Alpha and Omega; He's the First and the Last; He is the Supreme Judge of all Eternity, standing there, confirm the Message of this hour. And there shall be Light about the evening time! What's it all about? What was it? 143 I went westward. Upon that same mountain, passing up with Banks Woods there, said, "Throw up a rock. Say to Mr. Woods, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the Glory of God.'" 145 About two days after that, the earthquake almost sunk Alaska. What is this Light up on Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest of Arizona? What is this strange thing that happened up there, that the people has been driving east from west, picking up the rocks that laid around there where It struck? And every one of them, every one rock, has three corners on it, that It tore off. (The three are One.) They're laying on desks, on paperweights, across the nation. What is this strange thing upon Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest? 146 Junior Jackson listening in, you remember the dream he had that I interpreted, "going towards the setting of the sun"? And this happened on "Sunset" Mountain. It's the evening time, sunset time. The sunset Message through a setting of history, a setting of prophecy, rather, being fulfilled. And it shall be Light at the evening time, upon Sunset Mountain in the Coronado Forest, forty miles north of Tucson. Get on the map and see if Sunset Peak there. That's exactly where it happened. I never know it till the other day. 147 Everything that... That shall never die. It's constantly unrolling Itself. From the very thing happening, to the picture being Jesus standing looking at us; and now exactly on Sunset Mountain, and the sunset Light. The evening Light has come, God vindicating Himself. What is it? It is the facts that God and Christ are one. The "white," how many seen it, the white wig upon Him, as we talked in Revelation 1? See, the Supreme Deity, Supreme Authority; no other voice, no other god, no other nothing! "In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." The Angels Themselves was His wig. Amen. 148 What's happened upon Mount Sunset? God confirming His Word. That's what all this noise is about. Notice, it's God fulfilling His promised Word again, of Revelations 10:1 to 7, "And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, the mystery of God should be finished." The hidden mystery of Revelations 10:1 to 7, the last Message to the last church age. Fulfills exactly, in this age, Saint Luke 17:30, "The day when the Son of man shall be revealed." 150 And the science, all through Tucson yet, they're writing pieces and put in the paper. Way back over there on Mount Lemmon, them big cameras didn't see It rising up from where we was standing; drifting on towards the West, showing the time is over. It can't go but a little piece there; it's at the West Coast. Judgment struck just in the very way it went. Going right up over Phoenix and right on across, on to Prescott and across the mountains to the West Coast, right on up into... Where was they going? Right on up into Alaska, and she is thundering, heading right that way. 151 And the observatories and all of them in Tucson are still asking, research of science trying to find out what it is. So high they can't be fog, mist, or nothing up there. "What did it? Where is it at?" They're just as puzzled of that supernatural Halo hanging yonder in the sky as they was when the Magis come in following a Star, saying, "Where is He that's born King of the Jews?" What was it? God fulfilling His Word, "And there shall rise a star out of Jacob." 152 And the God of Heaven promised the evening time would have evening Lights. Three years ago this mystery was a prophecy, "What time is it, Sir?" But now it's history. It's passed. The promise is fulfilled. What time is it, sir, and what's this attraction? God fulfilling His Word! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. |
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