Of Dreams and Visions II
Posted: 18 October 2013
continued..from Of Dreams and Visions ICategories: (I am breaking this into short paragraphs for easy reading) PRELUDE TO HORSE DREAM
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In December 1957, my wife and I took our little children and went to Cuba. While we were on that trip, I saw myself in a dream one night, looking and seeing Bro. Branham standing with Sister Wright on one side of him, and Sister Hattie Wright on the other side, and Bro. Branham was praying for little Edith. He was lifting her up to God in prayer, and in the dream, I was watching this scene. As I continued to watch, I could see that Bro. Branham was praying with such a great burden upon his soul as he lifted her up to God. He was asking God to be gracious to this crippled girl and heal her. Sister Wright, and Sister Hattie, were the two women of the house that had taken care of little Edith, and ministered to her needs through the years. Here they stood, one on each side of Bro. Branham, with me watching, but then the scene changed. THE HORSE DREAM
When I went back to bed that night, after receiving the call, I briefly discussed the dream with my wife, and then I fell asleep. That is when I had the HORSE DREAM. I saw myself, and my wife in the car, traveling down the highway. I was going somewhere to a meeting that I had never been before. Just then I saw a speck in the sky. My wife was driving, and I was sitting on the right side, relaxing. I kept watching that speck as it seemed to be moving toward me. As it got closer, I saw that it was a man on a horse. Can you imagine what you would feel like, if you saw a man riding a horse in the sky? You would probably feel like I did. You would wonder if you were really seeing what it looked like you were seeing. I thought, I must be crazy, so I turned my head. Then, after a little while, I thought, I will take another look. When I did, I saw that the horse was coming very fast, right toward us. I knew that it was coming right to a place where it would intersect us. I thought, I surely must be seeing things, then I said to my wife, Honey, pull off the road and stop. I want to watch this. There is a man on a horse in the sky. I wouldn't even look again until she got the car off the road and stopped. That was my human reaction to such a thing. Then when she had pulled the car off and brought it to a stop, I turned to look again, and the horse was already on the ground, just a few feet in front of the car, a little further off of the road. I immediately recognized the rider. He was dressed like a government range rider. I have seen them in the west. DREAM TOLD TO BRO. BRANHAM
In the light of these developments, I felt that I wanted to talk to Bro. Branham about the dream, mainly because it was such an unusual one, and because it involved him. I phoned to ask permission for an interview with him, and arrangements were made for me to have the interview, on Sunday morning, August 1, 1965. On that certain Sunday morning, with my wife present, I told Bro. Branham the dream. When I had finished telling it to him, he looked at me and said these words, Bro. Jackson, something is about to happen, and when it does, you will have a work to do. I do not know what it is, he said, but this I do know, THE HORSE IS THE POWER OF THE WORD. Then he picked up his bible, and pointed to it, saying to me, "STICK WITH THE WORD". I said, "Bro. Branham, I will do my utmost to do that". Then he repeated himself, saying again, "Bro. Jackson, something is about to happen, I do not know what it is, but when it does, you will have a work to do, Bro. Jackson, STICK WITH THE WORD! I KNOW WHAT THAT HORSE IS, HE SAID, IT IS THE POWER OF THE WORD. After hearing him say that, I left the room, that morning, feeling confident in my heart, that when all of this began to take place, THE HORSE WOULD BE THE POWER OF THE WORD". I knew that the word, power, did not mean explosive, or forceful, it meant authority. In this case, it meant, the authority to handle the word of God. Now, I would like to say, to all of you who will read this article, I knew that there could never be a five fold ministry on the scene, until after something had happened to get the church in shape for such a ministry. Something would have to happen, that would restore back to the true church, the true word, that the early church was founded on. That would present an opportunity, and a platform, by which such a ministry could pick it up and have something to stand for, right on out to the very end. Over the weeks and months that followed, as I continued to seek the Lord about this, I received many invitations to come to various places for meetings. I accepted many of them as the Lord led me to do so, for my decision, in the face of much criticism, was to press on in the ministry that I had been called to.
Editor's note: If you have the patience to read through the article, you will find similar account in the message search database, but we know Brother Branham omitted telling the audience the full interpretation of Junie's (Brother Raymond Jackson) dream, but it was clear that in the dream, that the prophet will be taken away and hence the urgency to record all the sermons. We now know it was the work of the Holy Spirit to accomplish His own Word. At the same time, Brother Branham also made every sermon available for translation in the German language to Brother Ewald Frank across the sea in Germany. Brother Lee Vayle was tasked to provide an abridged version of the Revelations proof read by Brother Branham which resulted in this great book, this legacy of the message in abridged form titled "The Seven Church Ages".
(this month, May 2014, these articles in my website were restored after an abnormal fault which wiped out all articles from Sep 2013 onwards. I was able to restore most part of it except for some photographs and articles and this is one of them. Since I am basing this revision on some stored files I had on my computer, I thought perhaps now with hindsight, I should also ask those who are running down these three men mentioned above, namely, Brother Raymond Jackson, Brother Lee Vayle (both have gone into the curtain of Time in a better place) and Brother Ewald Frank (who is currently the best we have in the field being called directly to this work by an audible Voice of God - see his testimony in his website). I can only say of those who are posting irrelevant issues have got to ask themselves what are their motives. In a game, when one has the ball, the other team players got to protect him from the enemy, instead, some who are not really team players are trying to take the ball away from the man. Else one would be what the bible said about those who wanted to crucify Jesus, that their primary motive was pure ENVY.
Mat 27:18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
This gospel as preached by our precious Brother Branham through many trials and tribulations is about the Love of God, not sowing discourd among brethren. Let God be the Judge of all. We protect the one with the ball. Amen |
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