I Sing Because I Am Free
Posted: 21 December 2014
Categories: I sing As I was pondering what will be the best fit for the article for the month of December as we are nearing Christmas time, yet another year slips by. I wanted it to be felt, to be read and to be meditated upon. An impact that will bring the reader to our Lord Jesus Christ rather than “oh, great article”. Nope, that is not what I am seeking. It is passed that time to seek after acknowledgment or recognition. Jesus Christ has to be the very center of our lives. We should focus only on revolving around Him and His testmony.It is all that matters because it is for ever and ever a true loving relationship. I wanted to write about distresses and strains, I also wanted to write about emotions and needs, but when I took up a blank page today, the thoughts just can't flow though it feels so close and almost at the top of my head. And that is the problem isn't it. From the head instead of from the heart. If God would want us to think from our head or brains, He would not have the inspired the wisest man ever born of a woman, King Solomon who wrote, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"! Now I am not writing about Pastor Prince or Henry' music. But I am writing on what Brother Henry told me how God gave him a simple “revelation” , (now hear this and hear this well) : “That not one single pop song will be sung in heaven”!--- But the Hymns! They are timeless. Just as I am typing this, the Gaithers led the group singing “Rock of Ages. Cleft for me”! This then is the Christmas gift to my readers ….They sang :- Little is much when God is in it Labour not for wealth and fame There is a crown and you can win it If you go in Jesus Name. When the conflict here has ended And our reign on earth is run He will say, If you have been faithful Welcome home, my child, well done! In my earlier article, which I titled it “simplify” I wanted to remind ourselves the Words Jesus said. Let not your heart be troubled..... If you know Him today in the reveletion of the Restored Word by the prophet, you will know His Word uttered will not return to Him VOID. It will accomplish what it was sent out to do. To bring the Elect into His kingdom. There is no strive, no stress nor strain in our Labours, because it will be a joy to do them when we go in Jesus Name. He said : Mat 6:31-33 (31) Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (32) (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (33) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Is this enough for us ? To be that simple? Of course it is, because He said so and He will keep His Word to watch over us more thoughfully and carefully for our soul. Yes, seek ye first the kingdom of God and ALL THESE things shall be added unto you. Amen. As we read and believe His Word, there is an air of expectation and not trepidation, because inside our hearts, not our heads, we know whatever the Master promised, He keeps. Yes, not a single pop song will be sung in heaven. Not so with the hymns such as Amazing Grace, Rock of Ages, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lily of the Valley, What a Friend. When the Saints go marching in, His Eye is on the Sparrow, evergreens such as Fanny Crossby's Pass me Not Oh, Gentle Saviour and the list goes on........ Every hymn tells a story of its beginning and evergreen hymns are inspired as much as the minister is inspired when he preches his sermon. Let us take a peep into one of them, Mrs Martin wrote:- Early in the spring of 1905, my husband and I were sojourning in Elmira, New York. We contracted a deep friendship for a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle—true saints of God. Mrs. Doolittle had been bedridden for nigh twenty years. Her husband was an incurable cripple who had to propel himself to and from his business in a wheel chair. Despite their afflictions, they lived happy Christian lives, bringing inspiration and comfort to all who knew them. One day while we were visiting with the Doolittles, my husband commented on their bright hopefulness and asked them for the secret of it. Mrs. Doolittle’s reply was simple: “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” The beauty of this simple expression of boundless faith gripped the hearts and fired the imagination of Dr. Martin and me. The hymn “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” was the outcome of that experience. Civilla Martin “Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear, I sing because I’m happy, And the song Leave it there. How appropriate for it this moment to some of us particularly when I just cross my 64 birthday a few days ago. If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold, Leave it there, leave it there, If your body suffers pain and your health you can’t regain, When your enemies assail and your heart begins to fail, When your youthful days are gone and old age is stealing on, These are what our prophet told us, the good old gospel hymns. He said he can't sing but when you get over there in heaven, you will hear him in a little cottage, singing Amazing Grace and you will exclaim, praise God, Brother Branham made it! What a fellowship, what a joy divine What have I to dread, what have I to fear Yes, not jingle bells jingle bells, but Amazing Grace for the Saviour is born. the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world for you and me. What a gift, what a sacrifice and what salvation it wrought. When Abraham was 85 years old and still childless, He promised his seed shall be as the stars in the sky, and like the sands in the sea. No Santa Claus but we meet the Apsotle Peter and the others and also Paul, all of Abraham's natural and Royal seed. We can spend endless time singing and talking about Jesus and what He had done for us. At this very moment, I just want to lift up my hands and praise God. Let every creature that has breath, praise Him. |
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